
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What we have been up to

From the country...
The new kitchen

Seed organizing and ordering
cookies of the play dough variety...
fresh batches of soap (lavender and oatmeal/tea tree)

I have been trying hard to be productive this month. I do have a slight case of the January blahs though, so needless to say I have been a bit slugish. I have spent some time planning and organizing the new growing season, taking trips to the second hand stores to purge the house, making countless batches of play dough for the boys (in baking colours), and I had a chance to invite some friends over for a soap making session. I hope to have all our soap made for the year (and for some gifts) in the next few weeks. 

We have been playing around with the new kid's kitchen that I bought for Millie at Christmas. I know she may be a tad young, but I found it here, it was fifty bucks AND it was hand made to boot! It is a really great little prize and I hope  Millie plays with it for many years to come.  

The seed order is done and the decisions have been made for this up coming season. We plan to go big on growing onions, which is exciting for me because they are one of my favourite vegetables to grow. Also on the new list is more culinary herbs, and some more early lettuces to accompany the fiddle head harvest in spring.

We have also been dancing around the kitchen to our advanced copy of My Father and The Hunter by the Strumbellas (one of the perks with being related to a band member).

So with spring in mind, I am trudging along.


  1. Those play dough cookies look good enough to eat and I bet that soap smells delicious!

  2. The soap is nice and fragrant- the cookies on the other hand probably just taste like salt and gross. I can send ya one to sample though...:)


  3. I'd come to a soap making workshop if there was a city version!

  4. ha! Those cookies are amazing. So real.

    Callie: Soup workshop sounds amazing. Let us ponder the logistics of this. Would be fun to get together with our fellow hks.

    p.s You can send me a sample of the soap, we need some good soap around here.


  5. Absolutely wonderful and also delicious. That goes for the Strumbellas too. Have you heard Dicey and Paprika? A nutcake made of music! See:


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