From the City...
Yuck, what a January. In Toronto its been mild and rainy and the snow is now gone and we're left with the mushy Toronto garbage that was so very nicely hidden. Our new pastime is running through puddles, it's a messy game but somebody's do it.
We've been eating copious amounts of lamb in anticipation for our 1/4 cow which will need to take up shelter in our freezer. Thank heavens for farmers in the family! I will go out there and say that lamb is a son of a gun to cook, i've been cooking lamb at least once a week for the past two months and I've had only two great successes, but successes they have been. Here's a super simple recipe for lamb chops from Jamie Oliver. Do not cook for more than 20 minutes or its gonna be tough which I think my issue has been all along...overcooking that cute little lamby...
On a side note; has anyone checked out that website??? its amazing, all simple tips and recipes for the home cook. I like Jamie Oliver's recipes because they have ingredients that I have on hand as well as variation; don't have that, use his kids are all named after flowers and food and a girl who likes both those things can appreciate that.
Here's another recipe that I came across when I was a nanny in university, I worked for two doctors who had impeccable taste in all things food, so they'd ask me to make this recipe for them and I'd cook and salivate and then go home and eat ramen noodles. Usually I make it with beef but this ground lamb is even better, the flavours are super intense but oh so good. It's a staple meal around these parts.
It's evolved over the years in my kitchen with whatever vegetables I have on hand; peas, mushrooms, kale, spinach etc.
Lamb Bengali
2 tbsp olive oil
1 1/2lbs. lamb or beef
4 onions, chopped
3 garlic cloves minced
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp flour
2 tsp salt
fresh ground pepper
3-4 cardamon pods (opened and crushed)
1 1/2 cup water
1/4 vinegar
1/2 cup raisins
Cook meat and set aside.
Brown onions and garlic for 2-5 minutes until soft. Add curry and turmeric powder and allow to cook for about 2 min. Add flour and salt and pepper. Add cardamon, water, vinegar, raisins and ground meat.***this is the stage where I add vegetables. Cover and allow to simmer and thicken for about 20 minutes....this is also known as torture at our house because it smells so good and 20 minutes feels like an eternity..but its worth it.
Serve with rice.
Happy Monday!
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