Dandelions are definitely on my last dinner menu. You know the dinner you would have before the day you croak. The theory being if you knew you were going to die the next day and you could eat whatever you want. Like in prison, if you were heading down death row. I have been asked this question so many times and answer something different every time, partially because I LOVE food, partially because it is kind of a stupid question and partially because I am a text book definition of the word indecisive.
Anyway today it is dandelions. I love them. I love them so much that I have spent the past two days harvesting them and in the end, roasting them and eating them. I love the taste of slight bitterness when they are roasted and I love that I can walk out into the field stick a potato fork in the ground and bring home a bounty for dinner (at no cost!)
This is the time of year that they are in their prime, before they flower and turn into that loathed garden weed that everyone goes crazy trying to eliminate. If only people knew just how truly yummy these pesky weeds were!
Here is my super easy, yet incredible recipe for roasted dandelions.
Take some dandelions and whatever else you want to roast with them. Today I had some spring onions and wild leeks (ramps). They would be good with roasted red peppers, eggplant, onions and/or mushrooms.
Place your to be roasted stuff in a large bowl, slosh some olive oil on them, add some sea salt, and a few cracks of pepper, toss together 
Place on a large skillet or cookie sheet and put in a hot oven (425 degrees). Within about 10 minutes the dandelions will wilt and get all crispy and charred. Pull them out, leaving the larger stuff to roast longer. Let the dandies cool.
When all the vegetables are soft and smoky, pull them out. Let them cool slightly and then chop everything together in smallish pieces. Toss everything together in a bowl with some more oil and a little squirt of vinegar (I used Balsamic).
Voila! You now have the most amazing wilted salad, pizza topping, and/or antipasto! Enjoy! I know I will.
Anyway today it is dandelions. I love them. I love them so much that I have spent the past two days harvesting them and in the end, roasting them and eating them. I love the taste of slight bitterness when they are roasted and I love that I can walk out into the field stick a potato fork in the ground and bring home a bounty for dinner (at no cost!)
This is the time of year that they are in their prime, before they flower and turn into that loathed garden weed that everyone goes crazy trying to eliminate. If only people knew just how truly yummy these pesky weeds were!
Here is my super easy, yet incredible recipe for roasted dandelions.
Take some dandelions and whatever else you want to roast with them. Today I had some spring onions and wild leeks (ramps). They would be good with roasted red peppers, eggplant, onions and/or mushrooms.
Place on a large skillet or cookie sheet and put in a hot oven (425 degrees). Within about 10 minutes the dandelions will wilt and get all crispy and charred. Pull them out, leaving the larger stuff to roast longer. Let the dandies cool.
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