So for the past little bit I have been crazy busy sourcing heritage poultry, specifically various breeds of heritage turkeys. My search has led me to different parts of Ontario, which I now (more than ever) realize is probably one of the most beautiful places to live. The rolling hills of the Niagara Escarpment, the humble towns in Prince Edward/ Northumberland Counties with places tucked in here and there. With a google map in hand, I make the trek to finding these poultry places, where I find committed people who spend their time preserving heritage breeds.
My last trip was just yesterday to Performance Poultry, in Carrying Place Ontario, where I met Jason. Jason is veterinary technologist who runs his operation by the book. We are not allowed to view the poultry for bio security reasons. His website reads like poultry porn where if you order early enough in the season, you can get anything you want for a price. I come home with 10 Buff Orpington chicks (for an Amish friend), 10 Black Australorp chicks, 12 Bourbon Red turkeys poults, and some turkey eggs.
My brooder is bursting with babies and the incubator full of turkey egg hopefuls. Heck, even the turkey hen in the barn is sitting on 18 eggs. I have taken it all in, every place I have been, learning new tricks and grilling people with questions toward my path to raising these breeds myself. I have been observant to how these turkeys were raised and how they were fed and see where there is room for change (at least for my own operation anyway…).
I want to look out my kitchen window and see Red Bourbon, Beltsville White, Narragansett, Royal Palm, and Black Spanish turkeys grazing in the paddock, in a pastoral setting they were made for.
Thanks for letting me share in your chick and poult roadtrip...AA.