From the City...
We love iphones. Big time. Watching videos, listening to music..all good things.
Strumbellas photo shoot, not a bad looking bunch.
How to keep busy babies out of a photoshoot??? looks of cookies and bananas...
Ever so patient and wonderful manager Jo...playing and loving our little Theo
Lots of exciting things on the go for us over here these days, hence the lack of blogging which I apologize for. Simon is gearing up for a big three week tour out west, which is both exciting and equally terrifying. Its hard to imagine three weeks without that hilarious guy but it's pretty amazing and inspiring to actually see someone go out there and do what they love.
Theo is teething, again. This kid cuts teeth like nobodies business and every time it is the exact same except for this time because all he wants to do when he's teething is nurse and mama's gotta pay some bills, making it, needless to say, pretty difficult on the ol' papa bear.
Our co-op daycare is taking shape, which is pretty darn exciting. It opens next week and we'll be celebrating with a potluck at the new space on Friday night. So many great families involved that feel so passionate about what they envision for their child's daycare's really quite inspiring. Theo starts next week so I'll keep you all posted.
Work is busy and by the end of the day, I'm just itching to get home to Theo, where I just collapse on the couch and let him crawl all over me. I try to come home early which means working after he goes to bed but those extra couple of hours with him seem so incredibly worth it. Nevertheless by the weekend, I've missed him so much that week that I don't want to go anywhere without him.
I don't know who's having a harder time with this work/life arrangement, him or me?
Cooking...hmm..see, not a chance. This is a shame to me because I just love to cook. More than that, I love the whole meal process of recipe hunting, planning, market trips, butcher shops, prepping, cooking and of course, eating. I'm hoping that once work slows down a bit I'll be able to find a groove that makes room for work, and food and baby and husband.
A girl can dream right?
Theo looks more and more like you lately...reminds me of when you were a little tyke.