
Friday, January 14, 2011

Countdown to baby...

From the country....

So Christmas was a bit of a bust this year. Mark and I came down with the flu to end all flu's on Christmas eve and were dead to the world until after boxing day. The beautiful turkey, fresh out of the brine was eaten on boxing day(my goodness was it tasty!), the fresh seafood was frozen for another day (when we could stomach it), and X mas was pretty much cancelled.

Shortly after X mas we celebrated Nate's birthday with kids, cake, music and games. We had 9 boys here in attendance and one girl. She sat on the couch while the boys wrestled on the floor. It was a fine day. My oldest gaffer is 6 years old and boy does he make a Momma proud. His ability to love everyone in the room makes my eyes water.

So now we are in baby countdown. I have been pretty hush hush on the arrival of our 3rd farm hand but now I feel the whole nesting urge bearing down. I am folding gently used baby clothes and gingerly putting them in clean drawers, buying last minute supplies, spending time sourcing a used car seat, baby swing, and other baby amenities. I am in my 35 week of pregnancy and had both boys at 37 weeks. It won't be too long now before another beautiful being will grace us with it's presence.

Now I have a minute to really focus my thoughts on having a newborn in the house again. I started having cramping and have been told to take it easy so that I don't go into preterm labour. I haven't even been to the barn in what feels like weeks. Mark has been doing the chores while I leaf through seed catalogues, tea in hand and start planning the next years harvest. He also has started me on doing a proper budget for all my farm plans (which could quite possibly be the most frustrating thing about farming- but a proper budget is a must!)

I have begun to wrap my head around going through labour for the 3rd time and hope that this birth happens in the comfort of my living room here on the farm.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting- my sister is due with her third and my SIL is due with her second around the same time as you. Babies everywhere!

    Best of luck on your home birth. I've been blessed to be present at a couple home births and they are so lovely.


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